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Identify faulty soldered PCB Lithium button cell replacement battery

Can someone please make a professional guess as to what battery voltage and type (rechargeable or not) I need to replace the dead battery on this circuit board?

I cannot make out any info marked on the existing battery. It got a little scratched up by me when I cleaned the corrosion off it to try and get it working again.

I am pretty certain it is the battery that enables the device to remember the clock setting, as this is the fault with the camera.

The battery is approx 7.0mm diameter and 1.5mm thick. It reads 0.47V on my multimeter.

I understand these cells are often 3V and rechargeable type but I want to be sure.

The circuit board is from a wildlife camera trap (sometimes known as a Scout Camera) about 5yrs old, powered by 12v DC.

Block Image

Block Image

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As this one is soldered in, does that mean it is the rechargeable type?


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Hi @steveout ,

If the board is still working try measuring the voltage on the battery when power is connected to the board or disconnect the battery from the board and measure the voltage on the board at the battery connections to get the o/c voltage reading

This should give you a good idea as to whether it is a rechargeable battery or not and if it is what value the battery should be as not all rechargeable batteries with solder tags are 3V.

If you measure about 3.25V then it should be a 3V battery

If you measure 0V then perhaps it is not a rechargeable type but simply a non rechargeable lithium battery with solder tags as is used in a lot of devices

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Thank you @jayeff - very helpful. I have now removed battery and tested board powered up. Voltage starts at 0 then climbs to 400mV, then returns to zero - repeating cycle. So I guess the battery was not rechargeable.

I tried connecting 1.5V and then a 3V cell but neither fixed the time clock issue, so it's time to give up.

At least I tried. Thanks for all your help. This is such a great website.


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You are right “button cell battery” are 3V and are not rechargeable unless they have a label that says that.

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Not all button cells are 3V there are many of button cells that are only 1.5V


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