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Samsung's 5th-generation Android-based Galaxy smartphone was released April 11, 2014. Improvements to the phone include a fingerprint scanner, updated camera, larger display, and water resistance. It is available in four different colors; black, blue, white, and copper.

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How to turn on my phone without using the power button or USB Port?

The USB port on my Galaxy S5 has been broken for a year (I have been using a battery charger to charge). The power button on my phone started to give out about a month ago and completely broke today. The power button plastic cover is broken and I accidentally crushed the inside part with plyers trying to get it to turn on. All the tutorials I have seen for turning on a Samsung without the power button require using the USB port. Is then any hope to get my phone to turn on?

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Alaina N  not without repairing your power button. Use these guides Samsung Galaxy S5 to see if you can repair it yourself

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Alaina N будет вечно благодарен.
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