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Samsung's 5th-generation Android-based Galaxy smartphone was released April 11, 2014. Improvements to the phone include a fingerprint scanner, updated camera, larger display, and water resistance. It is available in four different colors; black, blue, white, and copper.

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My voicemail won’t accept messages & wont let me check my voicemail

When I get a call from someone, the phone rings a long time and then the caller gets a message saying I’m not available and to call later, but it doesn’t go into my voicemail as it always did before. When I try to check my voicemail, it tells me it can’t find the mailbox for my number. Suggestions?

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Hi @dlbr ,

Your mobile phone service provider, provides the Voicemail mailbox facility on your phone service.

The facility may have been removed from your phone service for whatever reason. It happened to me because it was considered (by them) that I wasn’t using it enough as I didn’t get enough calls and none went through to the voicemail anyway. Go figure that one!

Since you can’t access your Voicemail, search your mobile phone service provider’s website on how to setup your Voicemail mailbox and see if that restores the feature on your service.

Alternatively contact your mobile phone service provider and ask what happened to the Voicemail facility on your phone service as it is no longer there.

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