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A mid-range smartphone from Samsung released in 2019.

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Screen black on Samsung galaxy A50 HELP!

So I recently received a Samsung galaxy A50 that turns on and everything but the screen is completely black. Previous owner said that he dropped it and cracked the screen a little bit but screen doesn’t turn on at all. What might be the problem any solutions.

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Hi @asfdsgseg .

Did the screen work when you bought it?

Was it advertised as working or working but screen faulty?

If advertised as working try to get your money back first or a partial refund to cover the cost of repairs.

Try shining a torch at an angle close to the screen when the phone is on to see if you can detect any images at all.

They will be very faint if they are there at all.

If so then you have a backlight problem, which could be in the screen, in the cable connection to the screen or in the systemboard.

If not then the problem could be as above except it is not a backlight problem.

As a DIY repair after checking the screen cable connection to the systemboard is OK you would have to temporarily replace the screen and check the result to ascertain if the problem is the screen or the systemboard.

The phone having been dropped doesn’t auger to well for the screen as it also shows signs of damage. The damage could also be internal. The internal connections in the screen are fragile.

Here’s a link to a video that shows how to replace the screen, which may help.

Replacement screens are available online. Just search for Samsung Galaxy A50 LCD screen to get results for suppliers.

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