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Смартфон был выпущен 22 сентября 2017 года в двух модификациях: A1864, A1897, доступный GSM или CDMA модулями. Встроенное хранилище есть на 64 Гб или на 256. iPhone 8 Plus увидел свет в трех оттенках корпуса: золотом, серебристом и Space Gray.

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How to remove blue blotches on my screen

I recently dropped my phone in water 2days ago and and noticed tiny water droplets through the camera and big semi transparent blue blotches( like watercolour ) on my phone screen. After I put the phone in rice for a day the water droplets are gone. But blue blotches still remain even after removing screen protector. Any advice on how to remove the blotches?ヽ(;▽;)

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Rice does not fix liquid damage. You’re going to need to get the screen replaced to fix those blotches but I would take it to a reputable, independent repair shop for diagnostic first. Power off your phone immediately and do not charge or use it until it has been looked at.

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