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CDMA версия четвертого поколения iPhone. Ремонт прост, но дисплей должен быть заменен в сборе с сенсорным стеклом. 16 или 32 ГБ памяти / Модель A1349 / Cовместимость с CDMA.

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dropped iPhone in cocktail and it acts wierd

I dropped my iPhone in drink of bubble vodka and a Monster energy drink. I fished it out immediately. It was still working when I fished it out. I dried the phone immediately the best that I can. The next day the phone started acting odd. The speaker worked occasionally. The volume kept going down by itself like if I held the button down. The headphone jack worked perfectly. Then this message kept popping up "This device is not compatible..." It drains my battery in less than 4 hours.

Some weeks later, I opened up the phone and the scent of bubble gum was prominent. I tried to clear out any thing that may have gotten in the two major openings the headphone jack and the charging port. The headphone had a lot more luck with the message and the sound working again. But it then increased more frequently.

Now I am at a point where The speakers don't work. There is clicking in the headphones. The battery isn't charging. The phone turns on by itself. The ear speaker is distorted. And the charging port has two broken pins. Now the phone won't charge. What do I need to do to get this back from the dead?

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Just like any other submersion, I would start with this guide. Replace the battery after you are done and reevaluate.

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