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The March 2015 update of Apple's 13" MacBook Air features fifth generation Intel Core i5 and i7 processors, resulting in slightly increased performance and battery life.

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Getting pfm006 error, no wifi, no audio, no battery, no keyboard light


This is really frustrating, my macbook air early 2015, is working fine one day and next day it flickers and I tried to reset smc but later on it, it was shut down completely.

After showing to Apple store, due to moisture logic board replacement was suggested at almost 80% more expense which is lot on this dummy.

So I shown it to some local apple experts, one has told me that main ic is damaged and somehow it took him 3 months to finally atleast start my laptop but at the cost of wifi, audio, battery, camera and Keyboard lights.

I ran macbook diagnostic and also clicked the picture as attached.

Block Image

Block Image

Block Image

Block Image

Block Image

Block Image

Can someone suggest or help me please

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PFM006 is a SMC error.

I don't see this condition would effect your WiFi, Audio, Battery, Camera or keyboard backlights.

This sounds more like something more major happened to your system. Did you have a liquid spill at some point?

At this point I would need to see some pics, you stated you had posted them they are not visible. Review this guide: Adding images to an existing question

If you hadn’t please take the logic board fully out and take detailed (focused) pics of both sides.

Update (07/13/2020)

Sadly the logic board did get wet and does have a bit of corrosion damage. You’ll need to clean it with a soft toothbrush and 85% or better isopropyl alcohol. Compare with the guides images for the areas that need cleaning.

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I just added pictures of logic board.

Please check.




I think you got it halfway ;-{

You need to click on the toolbox stored image to place the link in your question (edit) so we can see it. Review the guide (Blue URL) I posted.


Hey Dan,

Got it right this time.

I think so.



These symptoms can happen if the SMC has been replaced with another from a different board number. Check if they replaced the SMC.


@imicrosoldering - Chris look more closely! Did you find the green corrosion?


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