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Samsung's flagship phone-with-stylus and the successor to the Note8, released August 2018. Features a 6.4" display and up to 512 GB of onboard storage.

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Attempted glass only screen replacement - Now display is blank?


I had a badly cracked screen and bought just the replacement glass. I turned the phone off, removed the glass with a heat gun and a thin tool. When I had all the glass off I turned the phone on and it boots up however the display is completely blank? It seems really weird, my notification light is blinking but I cant see anything on it, even with the new screen or the old screen just put in position. Can anybody help please? Thank-you, Joanne

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It is near impossible to attempt DIY glass only repairs on devices with OLED panels, such as the Note 9. You need special tools and equipment in order to refurb these screens so now you’re left with buying a whole screen assembly in order to fix it or even get your data off if it hasn’t been backed up.

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