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The March 2015 update of Apple's 13" MacBook Air features fifth generation Intel Core i5 and i7 processors, resulting in slightly increased performance and battery life.

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Why does my mac turn off every 10 seconds after I fixed it from damage

I spilled juice on my laptop 3 weeks ago, I took it the day after to get fixed and after 3 weeks I got it back when I first started using it it was working fine then it started turning off every little bit, is this juts a process of recovering from the damage or is it forever damaged.

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amal elhajjami  sounds to me like it never got fixed right. Things you are running into now are the effect of corrosion damage etc. on your logic board. You do want to speak with whoever fixed it for you and find out what they really did. Ultimately I would prepare for a replacement of the logic board

MacBook Air 13" Early 2015 Logic Board Replacement

Of course you can always post some good pictures of your logic board (both sides) with your QUESTION, maybe we can find some things that may cause this.

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iFixit Изображение


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MacBook Air 13" Early 2015 Logic Board Изображение


MacBook Air 13" Early 2015 Logic Board Replacement



1 - 2 hours

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amal elhajjami будет вечно благодарен.
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