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The DeWalt DWD112 is a high performance drill for heavy duty applications.

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Dewalt DWD112 Brush Replacement

Hello, I went through the info on the DWD112 Brush replacement and I could not determine if the brush can be removed and a new one inserted or is that and entire assembly I must purchase. If an assembly do you have any info on P/N and where to purchase?

My drill is a DWD110K Type 2 but looks exactly like the 112 in your info. any response would be great as I really want to get this fixed.

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@jcfal what you see in step 12 of this guide DeWalt DWD112 Brush Replacement are the brushes. The carbon and the metal around it are the brush assembly. You can however purchase the brushes separately. Dewalt part number for the brushes assembly with the yellow wire is 64714203 for the red wire 64714202 and the brushes itself (you would need 2 of course) is 64938000. I’d go with the complete assembly since it is an easier repair but that is totally up to you.

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