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Battery replacement lead to shut downs and no improvement

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Dear all,

I replaced the battery of my Macbook Air with an ifixit battery. Everything works just fine, only the laptop powers off sometimes when it is closed. Also, during the night it turns on and powers a lot, so it is almost out of power the next morning. Lastly, the replacement lead to no improvement of time on battery, although I did recalibrate it.

Resetting the SMC did not help. What should I do? What is the problem?

Thank you for your help

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Let’s get a better view of things, install this gem of an app! CoconutBattery take a snapshot of the apps main window and post it here for us to see Adding images to an existing question

I would also run a good anti-virus/malware app as you might have something running you don't know about.


I added a screenshot, good idea! An anti-virus scan did not show anything. The problem occured immediately after I had replaced the old battery with the new one.


@thiesinator - Was the charger plugged in when you took the snapshot?

I don't see any issue's with the battery other than already banked 20 cycles which seems excessive! Are you running the system down?


No, the charger wasn't plugged in at the time. I installed the battery a month ago, since the laptop is used extensively 20 cycles are normal.


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You may want to try not letting the battery run down so deeply as every deep discharge burns one cycle tick. Your battery is only expected to offer 1000 cycles so don’t be wasteful if you can.

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