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The Xbox One Wireless Controller model 1697 was released in 2015 and replaced the model 1537 controller and fixed some of the problems found on Model 1537 controllers. The Model 1697 controller includes an integrated 3.5mm headset jack, which allows compatibility with most 3rd party headsets without the need of an adapter. This controller has been discontinued and replaced by the Model 1708 controller.

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R91 L2 What is this surface mount component called?

Attempting to repair a controller which does not turn on. I’m no expert but suspect this component that looks like it has legit exploded may be the issue.

Can anyone help me figure out what it’s called so I can try to find a replacement to order. It seems to be labelled “R91” on the top of the component, and “L2” on the board. Else I’ll have to get a whole new board.

Thanks ✌️

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@jamesical that is a 910nH inductor.

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Amazing, thanks so much!


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James L будет вечно благодарен.
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