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My system will not post

I was in the bios and I oc my ram to much I had thought it was a 3600 dim but when I looked it was actually a 3000 my system will not send an input to my screen so I can’t even get into bios do I need to buy new ram? Or am I screwed and the hole thing is bricked

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What is the make and model number of the computer or the motherboard if it is a custom build?

Most motherboards have a "clear or reset CMOS" option using header pin jumpers on the board to reset the BIOS back to its default values.

Search online for (insert motherboard make and model number) user manual. Once you have the manual it should show the location of the BIOS reset.

Another option if the motherboard has a removable coin cell battery, is to disconnect the power from the PSU and then remove (or disconnect) the CMOS coin cell battery. Then press and hold the Power ON button operated for a full 30 seconds and then release it, to try and reset the BIOS back to factory default settings. Then reinsert the coin cell battery, reconnect power to the PSU and try to turn it on

Worth a try anyway.

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It’s a asus prime b450m-a r5 3600


Wait so try to boot it without that little battery


@Ryan Reid


The battery maintains the BIOS settings so when you remove it from the board the settings will revert back to default because there is no power at all on the board and pressing the Power button drains any residual power from the board.

If you don't put it back and it does start then any settings that you change will be lost once you turn it off and you will have to do it all again.

Here's the manual go to p.1-3 Item #8 - CLRTC . It seems with your board that you have to short out two pins with a screwdriver.


Thanks man I cleared it then it posted I’m going to more carful and look into stuff before I jump into it


@Ryan Reid

Good idea ;-)


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