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Released by Samsung in March 2016. Model SM-G930.

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My GS7 was flickering and now the screen is 80% black. West can I do?

Galaxy S7 was flickering and now the screen is 80% black. What can I do?

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Hi @moorebatt11 ,

Has the phone been dropped or gotten wet at all?

If not or even if so, then as a DIY repair all you can do is to temporarily replace the OLED screen and check if it works OK.

Here’s the ifixit Samsung Galaxy S7 Screen Replacement guide which may be of some help.

ifixit also sells replacement screens and the required parts to do the repair. Click on Buy in the parts section in the guide to find the price and availability. There are other suppliers online. Just search for Galaxy S7 screen to get results.

If the phone has been dropped it may be prudent to replace the frame as well because if it is damaged or bent, the new screen may not sit correctly and can be damaged by uneven pressure being exerted on it.

If the phone has gotten wet then the phone will need to be cleaned properly to remove all traces of corrosion that may have occurred due to the liquid getting in and affecting the components as well as the screen having to be replaced.

If doing this yourself seems too daunting, contact a reputable, professional mobile phone repair service and ask for a quote to repair the phone.

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