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The April 2014 update of Apple's 13" MacBook Air features refreshed dual-core i5 and i7 processors, plus slightly increased battery performance.

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Screen Black after flickering colours

Have a MacBook Air, we had reset and seemed to be working fine.

Then upgraded to Big Sur and screen started flickering lines across, this kept speeding up when the macbook was on and eventually the full screen went black.

Now the macbook is coming on but only with a black screen I’ve tried downgrading the laptop to Catalina (Not sure on original version). but same issue as screen is still black, plugged into external monitor and can see the operating system working.

Ocassionally screen flashes white for like half a second. Any help would be great.

Update (12/15/2020)

<deleted> is my Serial Number, think it’s a 2013 or 2014 13” Macbook Air.

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@bobooc - Did you try connecting an external display yet?


Yes, I've had the machine working through the external display. After the screen stopped, but seems weird for the screen to be working perfectly fine until I updated to Big Sur.


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The fact the display failed during the Big Sur update I think was just kismet!

There was a few people having issues with the 13” MacBook Pro systems, no reports of issues with the 13” MacBook Air systems macOS Big Sur Update Bricking Some Older MacBook Pro Models

The fact your external display is working really focuses the issue within the display assembly MacBook Air 13" (Mid 2013-2017) Display Assembly and here’s the guide to put it in MacBook Air 13" Early 2014 Display Assembly Replacement

MacBook Air 13" (Mid 2013-2017) Display Assembly Изображение


MacBook Air 13" (Mid 2013-2017) Display Assembly


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