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The Wi-Fi only version of Apple's iPad 6, released in March 2018. Available with 32 and 128 GB storage options. Features a 9.7" Retina display and 64-bit A10 fusion chip.

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Trying to find an lcd and digitizer plate

I’m trying to find a small part for my iPad 6 so that the local repair shop can more permanently repair it. I’m told it’s called an lcd + digitizer plate or simply a screen plate - it’s used to lock the touch screen and lcd screen internally and is a small metal part. Can anyone help me here? I already found a pack of replacement screws for the repair shop to fix it properly.

Attached is a photo of exactly what I’m looking for - in fact taken from one of the ifixit guides for this model. It’s the bracket being held down by the screws circled in red.

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Why are they having you source the part? They’re the repair shop. Or are you providing the parts? You might be able to get one from a donor iPad air 1st gen. And why do you need one in the first place? Although it is attached to the LCD connector you can transfer it.

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