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The April 2014 update of Apple's 13" MacBook Air features refreshed dual-core i5 and i7 processors, plus slightly increased battery performance.

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Mac Air Not Charging After Battery Replacement

Spilled water on keyboard years ago. Decided to boot it up for S&G’s. It powered on, but quickly died. Changed battery (bought off Amazon). Plugged it up/Charging connector will not illuminate but computer runs flawlessly while plugged in. Ran apple hard check. Got error codes regarding charging adapter, and battery was not in good condition. Downloaded coconut battery. Should I replace the logicboard? (charging port is clean, usb drive works, as well as audio port). I’m at a loss? Details are as follows while plugged up.

Current Charge 3868mAH

Full Charge Capacity 7300mAH

Manufacture date 20201006

Cycle count 0

macOS Battery Status Good

Temp 85.4F

Discharging with 0 watts

Power adapter Connected.

Update (12/23/2020)

**Follow up regarding Error Codes. PPT007 - May be issue with adapter, or may not be connected. PPT002 - May be an issue with the power adapter, lists troubleshooting steps that all fail. PPT004 - Battery requires service. Not functioning normally.

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Let's get a snapshot of CoconutBattery so we can see things Adding images to an existing question with the charger disconnected for a good 5 minutes and then plug in your charger and take a second snapshot again after a few minutes.


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It does sound like you got a bad battery, and you might have a bad charger and/or charging logic on the main board as well.

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