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Model A1502 / 2.6 GHz (Turbo Boost up to 3.1 GHz) or 2.8 GHz (Turbo Boost up to 3.3 GHz) dual-core Intel Core i7 processor with 4MB shared L3 cache.

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replacement battery life drastic drain

Well, I like the iFixit community and the products they sell but I’m a bit disappointed with replacing batteries for macbook they have. I’ve contacted the customer support for the second time after that the first battery I bought in June was defective. I get a free replacement but also it give me problems after only eight months, it’s life was dropped to 28% in only 340 loadcyces. As suggested I’ve contacted them to report this problem and they are shipping me the last free replacement battery. I’ve talked with some friends that are technician (I’m a software developer) and they told me that iFixit batteries aren’t the best chioce that there is on the market. I suspect that they had a bad batteries lot but I’m not sure about this. Is there anyone else that have experienced the same problem? What can cause a drastic battery life drain?

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Let’s get a better view of things, install this gem of an app! CoconutBattery take a snapshot of the apps main window and post it here for us to see Adding images to an existing question


Already tested using coconut many times, anyway tanks for the suggestion.


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Time to contact the iFixit Store to get a warranty replacement iFixit Customer Support

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If you read carefully the question, I've already contacted them and I'm waiting for the replacement battery! My question is asking if there is someone else that expeienced the same problem with iFixit batteries and what are the motivations that can cause the problem.


@ziobru - I've used the iFixit batteries for years without any issues. I haven't bought any for a good year due to COVID and my changing my direction to be more into scene photography. But that has been put on hold by COVID too.

Most of the time its the usage of the system which pushes the battery too far. Basically, discharging the system fully, then recharging and then letting the system to fully discharge again, over and over. The system is really designed to be pushed this hard. You want to try to keep the battery from dropping below 30% as much as you can

I haven't found any real difference in any of the batteries. Just like gasoline there is very little difference between the different vendors products.

Battery chemistry is straight forward. But, any foreign material in the mix can mess things up! It doesn't take much to ruin a batch of the anode, cathode or electrolytic materials or during manufacturing polluting the battery assembly.

One last issue can be tied to using knockoff MagSafe chargers! Make sure you have a REAL unit bought directly from Apple.

Don't Replace Your MacBook Charger With a Cheap Knockoff

OEM MagSafe Chargers vs Cheap Imposters: Teardown for Truth

Lacking safety features, cheap MacBook chargers create big sparks

FAKE Magsafe MacBook Chargers on eBay - Watch before buying a Mac Charger


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