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Анонсированный 13 Октября и выпущенный 23 Октября флагманский смартфон 2020 года от Apple оснащен 6.1-дюймовым OLED-дисплеем, системой задних камер с тремя объективами, LiDAR и 5G. Преемник iPhone 11 Pro.

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Cracked iPhone 12 Pro camera glass


I have an iPhone 12 Pro with a cracked camera lens. Is there anything special about the camera lens material? And is there any vendor selling OEM quality lenses? Also, what adhesive should I use for the replacement (if the lens doesn’t come with any)?

There are some how to videos out there for replacing lenses on iPhone 11 pros and older phones so I am not too concerned about the replacement process.

Thanks for the help!


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If you want guaranteed OEM quality then you’re going to have to to apple and pay their prices. If not just about any replacement lens you find on a reputable parts suppler should work just fine although fitment might be a little off so be careful.

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