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Model A1502 / 2.6 GHz (Turbo Boost up to 3.1 GHz) or 2.8 GHz (Turbo Boost up to 3.3 GHz) dual-core Intel Core i7 processor with 4MB shared L3 cache.

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Touchpad very stiff click

We have a macbook pro which we have had issues with clicking the touchpad, we wanted to replace it but was going to try loosen the screw first. The screw does not want to come out at all even move a tiny bit with the TX6 Screwdriver.

There seems to be something blue underneath the screw and wondering if it is supposed to be there or if someone has been into the macbook previously.

Thank you

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Edit 24/03/21:

Managed to get out this touchpad screw with a lot of force.

The touchpad won’t click properly and touchpad seems too deep, is there anything we should do or try before taking out the battery and replacing the touchpad or is this the only fix?

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Can you take a picture so we can see what you are seeing Adding images to an existing question


@danj added the photo there


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Выбранное решение

Someone used Blue 243 Loctite on the threads. This screw is the click adjuster, while you should be able to turn it, someone over did it locking it down using the wrong product! The proper way to prevent it from loosening up is to use Purple 222 Loctite or what I use, clear fingernail polish dabbing a small dot across the case and the screws head. This then allows someone to break the seal by turning the screwdriver, yet prevent it from losing its set point.

To undo this mess you’ll need to use either a solvent or what I do is use a soldering iron to heat the screw to soften the adhesive. I would take it fully out and clean the threads using Toluene solvent (use it in a well ventilated area).

Follow this guide to fully remove the trackpad MacBook Pro 13" Retina Display Mid 2014 Trackpad Replacement as you’ll find turning it down and out easier than easing it out. Besides you’ll want to clean the edge of the case as well as the trackpad as I’m sure the grit and other junk is messing you up here.

And yes Apple made this overly hard as you’ll need to pull the battery (a bad design choice which they corrected in the 2016 models and newer)

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Thank you, we managed to get this off finally with a lot of force before seeing your comment, luckily the battery had been replaced earlier so was easier.

Thank you for your help.


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