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Model A1502 / 2.6 GHz (Turbo Boost up to 3.1 GHz) or 2.8 GHz (Turbo Boost up to 3.3 GHz) dual-core Intel Core i7 processor with 4MB shared L3 cache.

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Taking charge but not starting, completely dead

Hello, haven't hade any problem at all with my laptop before but today when I was going to use it there where no power in it, it was completely dead, didn't even come up that the battery was to low to start, so i plugged it in and at first nothing happened but then it started and i was in, seemed to work as usual and it was charging, when away from the computer and when I came back the screen was black and the computer had no sign of life, it's been charging until it went from orange to green on the indicator but still no sign sof life?

I have tried SMC reset and the charging indicator flickered as it should but still won't start, I've disconnected the battery and plugged the charger in and tried to start with no progress.

Disassembled the laptop and cleaned the logic board with alcohol, saw no signs of corrosion anyway, put it also together after everything was cleaned with alcohol and toothbrush but still completely dead?

Any ideas? Are my logic board in need of replacement? The battery seems to take charging, and had no problem with battery time ore sometimes like that before..? Had this computer since new and had no problem whatsoever with anything.

Please help! Best regards.

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If you can, let’s get a better view of things, install this gem of an app! CoconutBattery take a snapshot of the apps main window and post it here for us to see Adding images to an existing question


It's completely dead so i can't do anything on the computer


@simpan304 - Time for a new battery!


Wouldn't it at least react somehow if it was bad? Like when I have the charger in and unplug the battery then reconnect it, however im doing there is no sign of life? It has been charging until green now but still nothing? From what I can read this should be the logic board?


@simpan304 - The battery you got is likely bad from what described.

What you encountered is the removable of power flushed the SMC latch condition. You could give it a try again. Disconnect the battery and anything else plugged in any of the ports. Press the power button to finish the discharge for a good 15 secs. Then plug in your MagSafe your system. Your system should spontaneously restart.

Give that a try.


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I think I had a same kind of an issue with my MacBook Pro 13, 2013 and it was a faulty battery. It looked like charging and led indicated green as full but using without power cord would shut it down. Not sure though but you might need to replace the battery,

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I was showing orange at first that it was charging but after now charging until full i suppose it turned green so that's why I thought it seemed like it was charging as it should, and haven't had any problem with battery time before or anything like that, it doesn't start with charging cable in and the battery unconnected or either way. It's no sign of life however I do


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