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The Wi-Fi only version of Apple's iPad 6, released in March 2018. Available with 32 and 128 GB storage options. Features a 9.7" Retina display and 64-bit A10 fusion chip.

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iPad won’t turn on with on off button

iPad won’t turn screen on unless it’s plugged into a charger and reconnect battery

wont turn on screen with on off switch only

battery shows 100%

Update (04/21/2021)

The connection is fine for a n off switch

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That connection is all good


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There’s a connector for the power flex cable that’s not too far from the power button itself make sure that’s not damaged.

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I’ll check it out

However that button does turn the screen on and off but will not power up on a full shut down

The only way to power it up is to disconnect the battery then reconnect it

That only works when plugged into a charger

Battery alone wont turn it on

Battery show 100%

Then starts up as normal

Anyway appreciate the reply I’ll have a close look at the connector you mentioned

Kindest regards Gerry


seems ok i cleaned it put a meter on it to check if they're connecting that seemed ok


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