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Why is my refrigerator and freezer not working properly?

Hey there everyone I hope you all are having a fabulous day! My information & question for you is as follows…

I have a Whirlpool Gold side by side stainless steel refrigerator - Model GSF26C4EXS02.(approx. 10 years old).

A few weeks ago the freezer side started defrosting on its own but then it would refreeze again. This has happened 4 times in the past 2 weeks. Now the refrigerator side is not cooling nor the freezer. I hit the reset button on the front door. No help. (Just so you know, when plugged in, the fan in the back of this unit is working and when I open the freezer kinda cool air is blowing through the vent.)

Plus, all filters inside are replaced inside on a regular maintained bases per the indicator..

I have also blown the compressor coils in the front as well as cleaned and blown all dust from the fan and other components in the back. I have unplugged the refrigerator and started it. The thermostat on the front door has also been reset and reads that the inside temperature is 34゚ inside, however, that is not true. What should I try next? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a bunch for your time, in this matter.

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Based on what you've said it sounds like you've got a thermostat issue. It thinks it is at temp when it isn’t. If it is showing 34° then it thinks it is at the right temp.

But just to cover bases, have you pulled the back panel ff and looked at the evap coil in the freezer to make sure it isn't iced up? Is the air flow you feel from the vent normal? Or is the airflow weaker than normal?

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Thank you Brandon. Yes I have pulled back off and I actually have it plugged in right now it's cooler than usual but not where it should be and there is no ice or frost buildup on anything at the bottom in the back or front. I had it unplugged for a few days and plugged it back in earlier today.


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I would also check that the bi-metal defrost thermostat, part #4 air flow parts diagram is OK.

According to the refrigerator tech sheet the thermostat not only controls the power to the defrost heater but it also signals when the defrost cycle is to end and the compressor needs to be restarted.

Use the tech sheet to get into the diagnostic mode and test the defrost thermostat or alternatively here’s a video that shows how to manually test it.

The parts supplier in the link above was only to show you what the part looked like and where it is located. There are other suppliers online that may suit you better. Just search for GSF26C4EXS02 parts to get results.

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