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Repair guides and support for tablets produced by Lenovo including the ThinkPad tablet line.

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My tablet is lenovo M10 has black patch and lines in morning not misus

My lenovo tab has these patches and lines after I woke up.It has not been dropped or misused.It was only 7 months since I purchased it.Please guide me how to proceed?

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If it is only 7 months since new, it should still be covered by the manufacturer’s warranty, which is usually 12 months

Check the documentation that came with the tablet about the warranty provisions and how to claim for a warranty repair or replacement for your location if the warranty period is still valid.

Here’s a link that may help if you can’t find the information.

The Serial Number can be found using the following steps:

i). Tap Settings (System settings) > System (All settings) > System > About tablet.

ii). Tap Status to view the Serial Number for the tablet.

Do not open the tablet yourself to try and find out what the problem is as this will void the warranty.

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