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Repair guides for displays (or monitors) for computers or other devices with video output.

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Take apart an Apple 24" Cinema Display with ADC

I would like to replace the back lights in one of these. Is there a take apart for this on your site? Thanks.

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I have the earlier version of this Cinema display, the one that came with fluorescent bulb backlighting. Has 2 feet under the monitor, and a plastic arm for the 3rd foot in the back. Frame is plastic and has the old style Mac OS looking pin striping from the Finder windows. Thanks.


I have the earlier version of the Cinema Display. Thanks.


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We do not.

There seems to be few out there that have done this, but here is one person who made a "guide". The pictures and instructions aren't the best but may be good enough to get you inside.

Be forewarned, the person that made that guide and several other sources around the internet indicate that there isn't exactly an excess of parts available, and home disassembly only drives up the cost of having Apple fix for you. Good luck and let us know what happens!

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This link is dead. :(


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