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Phone wet by seawater/cleaned with 50% alc/fanned 15 hrs/has wet marks

Hi, I went to the ocean yesterday and forgot to remove my Xiaomi phone from my pant pocket, when I got hit by a huge wave. Half of my phone was wet but I thought it was no big deal as my phone could still take pictures. However, five minutes later, my phone shut down by itself completely and I tried to power it back on twice (a mistake, as I later learned this could short the phone). The first time, it powered back on but shut down almost immediately and the second time it shut down on the loading screen.

Two hours later, after I got home, with some advice from a friend, I put my phone in rice, but later found that this was a terrible idea, as I researched forums and rice cannot reverse the corrosion done by saltwater and the phone needed to be put in 90%+ ethanol for cleaning. I took the phone out after 30 min in rice and while I did not have 90%+ ethanol and it was late out, I had half a bottle left of 50% rubbing alcohol. I then took out my battery and SIM card, dry cleaned both with a tissue, and submerged the remainder of my phone in the 50% rubbing alcohol for 20 min. Then, I left my phone (without battery) to wind dry for the next 15 hours.

Today, I put my battery back in and tried opening my phone. While it could open up without shutting down (improvement from the beach) and I could even text and connect to wifi, I noticed window mist like water marks right beneath my phone screen. Also, after using my phone for 5 min, it started to heat up a bit, and that’s when I got scared and shut it off. I just disassembled my phone again and put it next to the fan for more drying. I’m wondering if this means there is still some water/moisture in my phone and I can give my phone a partial/complete recovery if I dry it enough or will my phone be gone for good if I use it too much. I don’t see any signs of major saltwater corrosion in the phone, whatsoever. Thanks!

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Mamapa2the major issue you will run into is corrosion damage. Salt Water will get your components to corrode very severely. You do no longer want to try to turn your phone on, charge it or mess with it until you have done teh following.

The very first thing I would do is to disassemble it by using something like this video Take a careful and close look at all components and connectors. Truly assess the damage. Look for major corrosion, evaluate the pins in the connectors etc,. Take a look at all connectors as well as cable ends. After that I would suggest that you clean it a couple of times in sterile water, not drinking water (that might have helped right after it got submerged in the salt water). Use a soft brush and clean it very, very thoroughly with the sterile water. For a proper cleaning , you must remove all the EMI shields. Once you got the gross contamination cleaned, use 90%+ isopropyl alcohol and clean your parts some more (50% is just not enough since the other 50% is mostly water). For a proper cleaning, use this guide. It was written for a iPhone 3G but it is still pertinent to your phone as well. I can not stress the importance of a good cleaning enough, so do it over and over while replacing the alcohol after each cleaning. Do not use compressed air for the cleaning since that can drive liquid as well as corrosion particles into areas that will cause trouble later on. Do not use drinking water, if you need to use water, use sterile water. Also, you do not need to leave it to dry for a day. Isopropyl alcohol in the higher concentration will evaporate quickly and dissipate the water. The importance here is the cleaning. It would of course be best to get it professionally cleaned with an ultrasonic cleaner. Do not forget to replace the battery. This is a must and not an option. After that, reassemble your phone and see what you get.

For as long as you have not cleaned your board and replaced the battery, everything is just a guess. Keep in mind that water damage is the hardest to troubleshoot and to repair. It does not matter if is was exposed for 2 seconds or 2 hours, what matters is where the water (particulates) did the damage. If you see something odd or find something that does not look right, you can always post pictures with your question for further help. Adding images to an existing question

Remember: Rice does not work!!!!!!

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