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Model A1297 Unibody: Early 2009, Mid 2009, Mid 2010, Early 2011 & Late 2011

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Searching for compatible capacitor

Hi everyone.

Many thanks to this website for providing the solution to my mid 2010 15” MacBook Pro kernel issues.

Here’s my dilemma. I have a 2008 17” MacBook Pro I’m trying to use to salvage the C7771/9560 capacitor to put in my 15”. The board is listed as 820-2262-A, serial W8812002422 YA. Cannot identify the capacitor I need and it’s not printed on the board.

Does anyone have any idea what it’s listed as on the board? I’ve searched high and low and can’t find the board number or serial anywhere on the internet.

It’s almost like it’s a one off for the CIA or something.

Update (07/30/2021)

Hope the images appear. Really don't know which component is the proper capacitor I'm looking for.

Block Image

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@mick_glare - Can you give us your 15" systems specs as well as the board # so we can first ID what you are looking for.


the 15” is mid 2010 2.4 ghz inrtel i5 6,2 with a 1286 board serial w80511v7agx


Well I don't see a C7771 cap within my copy of the schematics and boardview drawings (board # 820-2850).

So at this point you'll need to post a set of pictures so I can identify the area and then a closer image of the cap. So I can narrow down to it from my stuff Adding images to an existing question.

Then we can try to locate if the parts board you have has the needed part.

These caps are not very expensive, you may need to get the part directly from a electronics parts house.


Desparately trying to send images but not sure how to do that. Please keep in touch. Thanks


@mick_glare just post some good pictures of your board and point out the component you think is the capacitor in question. You have to add images to your QUESTION Adding images to an existing question


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OK we’ve got gas! Your short hand created confusion!

The cap in question is C9560 per the video. And indeed is one of the possable causes for kernel panics. Here’s the schematic of the circuit. I should point out this is not an easy job and if you over heat the board you could cause issues.

Block Image

Now lets review the needed part. The Poly-Tantalum Apple used was not stable as such we don’t replace it with another as it won’t last or be stable! We instead use a Aluminum Polymer 330uf capacitor

Finding one that will fit is not easy! I would just order it from Louis Rossman. Even still there is a bit of alteration to the logic board as you’ll need to scrape off som of the coating to expose enough of the ground surface.

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Thanks so much and thanks for the advice. Let’s hope all goes smoothly.


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