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Water filter will not lock? Do those locking mechanisms break?

First, this is an inherited fridge that did not have a filter in it. So I don’t know if the housing is broken or why the filter will not lock into place? Is it possible that the filter mechanism is broken inside and won’t allow me to lock it, does that happen? Or is there something else I should check? Filters do not have caps, it’s a ‘known good’ replacement number. Any help?

Update (09/09/2021)

Whirlpool, ED5PHEXNL00

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I don’t know the model but looking at the parts for your model, it seems that the water filter is held in by a water filter cap which locks into the water filter housing (part #WP2186443)

This link has a video that shows how to replace the filter, which you already know but it shows how the cap fits over the filter and locks into the filter housing. The link above for the housing has a video that shows how to replace it, if it is the problem.

If the cap is the problem (broken? missing?) then it comes in 3 colours, white (part #WP2186494W), bisque (WP2186494T) and black (WP2186494B).

If you need either a new filter housing or filter cap, search online using the part number only to find suppliers that suit you best.

WP2186494B - Whirlpool Refrigerator Water Filter Cap Изображение


WP2186494B - Whirlpool Refrigerator Water Filter Cap


WP2186494T - Whirlpool Refrigerator Water Filter Cap Изображение


WP2186494T - Whirlpool Refrigerator Water Filter Cap


WP2186443 - Whirlpool Refrigerator Water Filter Housing Изображение


WP2186443 - Whirlpool Refrigerator Water Filter Housing


WP2186494W - Whirlpool Refrigerator Water Filter Cap Изображение


WP2186494W - Whirlpool Refrigerator Water Filter Cap


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That could be the answer. There wasnt a cap with the fridge, so assuming it could hold it in place, I guess that could be the answer, as there's no "feel" of the filter lockong in like others I uave replaced before. I will try getting a cap and see if that will stay in place to lock it in. Thanks!


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