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Repair manuals for a large selection of Global Positioning System (GPS) units.

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TomTom Go 620 (AU Model) Battery Dead?


My TomTom Go 620 Aussie model is about 2 years old and the battery is dead, so therefore I need to replace the battery. I have found the battery replacement video on YT for this model, but it’s the US model which has a couple of screws at the back of the GPS to be screwed out. On my Aussie model, there are no visible screws that I can find anywhere? The only thing I can find is what looks like a pry slot on the bottom of the GPS between the screen and the main body. Any help or ideas would be appreciated?



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Hi @johnmw1 ,

Here’s a video that should help.

Unfortunately the Ifixit Australian store doesn’t have any appropriate pry tools in stock.

If you’re prepared to wait on shipping then the USA store does have the iFixit Opening Tool available

Search online for VF6S battery to find suppliers of the battery that suit you best.

iFixit Opening Tool Изображение


iFixit Opening Tool


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Hi Jayeff,

Thanks for that answer, it makes everything all the more clearer knowing I don't have to be looking for hidden screws. Not sure why I never found that video, as I searched high and low but it never came up in my search? Yes I will have to wait for the Ifixit opening tool, but could get it if I buy the Essential Electronics Toolkit which could come in handy for other stuff.




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