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Produced as part of the Sony Vaio E-series line, and released as a notebook in 2010. Some minor issues, associated with normal wear-and-tear, are common and and range from easy to difficult in user repairability.

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Replace the lcd led screen

My Vaio model PCG-71312l screen has deteriorated beyond repair… I would like to replace it but the only available screen that I can purchase are for Vaio model PCG 71311n and 71314l… can I use any of the two model without meeting any major problems later on?

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Check on the back of the LCD panel in your laptop to see if there is a make and model number or a Sony part number for the screen.

If there is search online using that information to try and find screens. That way you know that it is compatible.

You can always ask this supplier who does have compatible screens for your model, but maybe their prices are not right for you.

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