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Early 2011 Model: A1278 / 2.3 GHz i5 or 2.7 GHz i7 processor

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A1278 row Z of keyboard not working plus left command

the built in keyboard does not seem to be responsive for zxcvbnm (off the top of my head… not on it right now).

however when I connect an external keyboard via usb, it works fine.

is this a logic board problem? (Liquid damage?) or is this simply a keyboard issue?

i did notice when I was on finder and clicking on folders, each folder I clicked on remained highlighted…. Don’t know if that’s significant. Don’t know if the left command is causing issues.

I inspected the site of the keyboard connector on the logic board. Seems fine. There was a spill and I see one or 2 spots of blue here and there on the logic board (nowhere near the keyboard connector though).

the mousepad also seems unresponsive on the middle bit of the pad as well.

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What is the model of your laptop?


A1278, MacBook Pro 2011 13 inch


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I think this is a keyboard problem. The easiest way to fix this is to get a used upper case and follow the guide here.

MacBook Pro 13" Unibody (Early 2011-Mid 2012) Upper Case Изображение


MacBook Pro 13" Unibody (Early 2011-Mid 2012) Upper Case


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I actually took the old keyboard off, waiting for a new one. Had to sacrifice leaving 5-6 small tiny screws without the heads in the metal because the screws were so corroded and got rounded. Hopefully won’t compromise how strong the keyboard stays in place


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