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What iPod nano screwdrivers?

What is the exact screwdriver name & where can i get them that can open the inside of the ipod nano.

Can i get them off ebay and amazon if so where?

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sogamichael, the screwdriver that you will need is a Phillips #00 screwdriver. You can get it here Phillips #00 Screwdriver as well as Amazon and eBay. Just stay with the quality tools since they will last.

Phillips #00 Screwdriver Изображение


Phillips #00 Screwdriver


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Can you link me to anywhere in ebay where i can get them, the quality ones, or how can i tell what is quality what is not, as i love purchasing in ebay.


I'd go with the Stanley from here or a Craftsman set from here they will also take care of your iPhone 4 from this question.



i actually have an screwdriver that could open the inside screws of the iphone 4 and ipod nano 4 but i just have one screw stuck on the left side of the charging dock of the ipod nano 4th, the screw looks also crooked, so im wondering could it be my screwdriver problem? as i can open every other screws, just this one wont move a thing.


I don't think it's the screwdriver. Usually bad screwdrivers don't fit well and sort of round the "cross" part out. Now if your screw was inserted crooked it may be binding in the thread. I would definitely give it one more try with a good snug fitting screwdriver. You may have to apply some downward pressure when you try to remove the screw.


If my screwdriver can open all the ipod nano screws, and the iphone 4 screws, but just 1 crooked screws in the ipod nano, should i get a new screwdriver or try one more time? because i remember trying to remove the screws and crooking my screwdriver the same direction the screw would but it just wouldn't move. Is there any technique when facing such problem? like using more force?


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