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The 2014 version of the Galaxy Note 10.1", running a Exynos 5 processor and 3 Gb of ram. Released October 2013.

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When power on Tablet, restart

When power on Tablet, Play Samsung logo music , and Tablet restart( screen black)

and repeated

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Hi @mahmoudi1968,

Try the following and check if either resolves the problem:

Wipe the cache partition and check if it now works OK

If still no good, try starting the tablet in safe mode and see if it works OK.

If it does then a downloaded app is the cause of the problem. The trick is to find out which one. You will need to uninstall each downloaded app one by one and test the tablet in normal mode between each uninstall to see it it works OK. When it does then the last downloaded app that was uninstalled was the culprit. A download app is one that you downloaded and installed and didn’t come pre-installed with the tablet

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mostafa будет вечно благодарен.
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