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Repair documentation for the Sony PlayStation 5 DualSense controller. Model number: CFI-ZCT1W FCC ID: AK8CFIZCT1

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Where can I get a new battery?

Hi all. We've recently moved house and everything was all over the place. Couldn't find the cable for the dualsense Ps5 Docking station. Eventually found a cable but it turns out that it wasn't the right one. It had a much higher voltage and fried both of our controllers. Looking for batteries to fix them ourselves.

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Even if you did find batteries, odds are that the charger you plugged in fried something else on the motherboard as they usually have soldered on fuses so it don’t kill the battery while sacrificing the board.

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here is the link if you want instructions on how to replace any parts on the controller

DualSense Controller V1

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