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The IdeaPad Z560, the third Z Series laptop launched in 2010.Model 0914.

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Is it possible to replace the complete body


Complete body is broken. Need to know if possible to change complete body.

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You should be able to.

Here’s the hardware maintenance manual for the laptop.

This details the necessary pre-requisite steps and then procedures to remove/replace all of the components from the laptop.

On p.72 -77 there is a parts list which will help you to find the necessary case parts:

base (Item #18 - part #31044218)

upper assembly (Item #4 part #31044216)

lid (Item #6 - there are 4 part # depending on type, part # 31044223, 31044224, 31044340 and 31044341 - usually the part number can be found somewhere on the part itself it you wish to verify which one you have.

thermal door (Item #22 part #31042374).

Search online using the part number only in the search box of your browser to get results for suppliers that suit you best.

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It’s certainly possible, though it may be difficult to find parts for at this point, since this machine is 10+ years old. I usually recommend checking with lenovo for part numbers, since that helps make sure you’re getting the correct parts. They will often have pictures to reference. I didn’t see the Z560 in this list but it may be identifiable using the exact model number or serial number if you have those.


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