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Released June 2012 / Core i7 processor with Turbo Boost / Up to 1 GB GDDR5 Video RAM

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Problem after SSD upgrade

I followed the IFIX YouTube video to upgrade my storage to Samsung SSD storage, everything went smooth, I chose to restore from a backup I have on my TIME MACHINE external drive, but it is more than a day its stock on the booting page, white screen with apple icon.

Block Image

I tried one before but after more than a day I decided to redo the process and choose the other option in the beginning [INSTALL MACOS] instead of restore, it installed but the mac version was too old and I couldn’t update it, because whatever I tried to install or update I got an error that you need OS 10.9 or higher… So I started the process again and right now same after a day I still waiting for my OS to show UP!

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Do you have a second Mac which you can download the OS and setup a bootable installer drive?


I dont , I'm trying another way seems its working

I'll share it


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You may need a new HD SATA cable MacBook Pro 15" Unibody (Mid 2012) Hard Drive Cable following this guide MacBook Pro 15" Unibody Mid 2012 Hard Drive/IR Sensor Cable Replacement. Here’s more on the issue Your Hard Drive Cable Is A Ticking Time Bomb

MacBook Pro 15" Unibody (Mid 2012) Hard Drive Cable Изображение


MacBook Pro 15" Unibody (Mid 2012) Hard Drive Cable


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