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Released June 2012 / Core i7 processor with Turbo Boost / Up to 1 GB GDDR5 Video RAM

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Upgrade dilemma regarding a MacBook Pro mid 2012

I got this old MacBook Pro for free a couple of years ago, even though I upgraded it right away with more RAM and new battery. I also removed the optical drive for another internal SSD.

I really like this computer, it has served me well, The last week or so I've been thinking more of that 2015 refurbished MacBook Pro. So I came to a solution, I will make open last push for old one. my plan was replace the thermal paste at the CPU and GPU, as well get a set of quality fans.

Have anyone you guys tried this? Or read about someone tried?

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I don't really see any dilemma here, it's just a minor freshup.

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No different than an oil change and fresh tires for your car ;-}

You have only one choice for the fans Apple's:

MacBook Pro 15" (Late 2008-Mid 2012 excluding Mid 2009 2.53 GHz) Left Fan

MacBook Pro 15" (Late 2008-Mid 2012 excluding Mid 2009 2.53 GHz) Right Fan


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