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Released in 2016, identified by product number X0H77UA.

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Wifi and Bluetooth signal very weak

My laptop got repaired 2 days ago and since then both wifi and Bluetooth are showing really weak strength , so weak that if the router is within 1 meter only then internet would work, if I go 3-4 meters away from the router it will remain connected but internet would not work.Same problem with the bluetooth, I have to keep my wireless earphone onto the laptop only then sound will come out of earphone, at merely 3 meters away Bluetooth gets disconnected.What is the problem and how to get it fixed?Did the mechanic loose some wires unintentionally?

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Hi @decent_n_devil

Seems as though both of the antenna cables have not been reconnected to the WLAN card (WiFi and Bluetooth are both in this card).

Here's the maintenance and service guide taken from this support webpage for the laptop.

Go to p.54 to view the necessary pre-requisite steps and then the procedure to remove the WLAN card.

You don't have to remove the card, simply gain access to it. On p.55 you can see where the antenna cables are connected to the card and which one goes where i.e. black cable and white cable on the card connectors.

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