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The HP Pavilion 15 cs0xxx is a 15-inch laptop that was released as part of the HP Pavilion computer line.

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Ghost presses on trackpad

My trackpad clicks by itself, and mistakes a single tap as a zooming in or scrolling gesture. Other times, it doesn't recognize the input at all.

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Hi @nicq224 ,

Could be a loose touch pad cable connection, a faulty touchpad or perhaps the underside of the touchpad is touching something it shouldn't be touching.

Here's the maintenance and service guide for the laptop.

Go to p.60 to view the necessary pre-requisite steps and then the procedure to remove/replace the touchpad.

This will allow you to inspect the cable connections and to see if anything else is obviously wrong. If the touchpad needs to be replaced, the part numbers, appropriate to you particular model are found at the top of p.60. Search online using the part number only in the search box of your browser, to find suppliers that suit you best.

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