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Nintendo's upgraded version of the Nintendo 3DS. It features bigger screens, longer battery life, better pixel density, and a better design.

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Both of my screens are glitching out


Recently my 3ds decide to be broken.

I did nothing special, just like that, boom… both of my screens are now glitching out. My top screen is in really bad shape and my touchscreen have some flickering.

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Full view:

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Left part:

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Right part:

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Thanks in advance for your answers!

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@darkyyy could be the screen but it appears as if you have full backlight just not enough color saturation from the video. It's time to open it up and take a look at the capacitors and traces. Post some good pictures of your motherboard etc. with your QUESTION. That way we can see what you see. Adding images to an existing question It could still be the screens but it could also be something in the wiring/connector or even the board. Use these guides to work on it Nintendo 3DS XL

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I add more pictures of the motherboard. If you need anything else, feel free to ask.


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Darkyyy будет вечно благодарен.
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