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Support for gas-powered and electric golf carts, sometimes referred to as golf cars or club cars after the Club Car Golf Cart brand.

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club 2013 gas ,come to a stop 50% of the times I need to step on the

2013 gas club pres cart 50% of the times when i come to a stop i need to step on the accelerator a few times to get going.

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It is possible your gold cart is running into some issues that may have to do with your battery or solenoid coil. If you have had this battery for quite some time, it may be due for a battery change. Here are some things to consider for repair.

  • Low battery voltage: Sometimes a dip in the minimum voltages of both batteries causes the Golf Cart to turn off randomly. It is best to use a voltmeter and check if the voltages of both batteries are reaching the bare minimum mark. We would need to know the model of battery you are using for this golf cart as well if you need to know the minimum requirement for voltage.
  • Coil of solenoid: The coil attached to the solenoid of the Golf Cart may get too hot and bypass the functioning of the solenoid. That may cause a glitch which may end up in the Golf cart causing stutters while being used.
  • Change of batteries: Are your batteries running for almost 10 years? Then it will be better to get the batteries changed and see if the problem is sorted. We have found many Golf Carts running properly post getting new set of batteries.

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cavallopeter будет вечно благодарен.
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