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2.0GHz, 2.3GHz, or 2.6GHz quad-core Intel Core i7 processor (Turbo Boost up to 3.8GHz) with 6MB shared L3 cache.

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Replacement battery is dead

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I replaced the battery in my late 2013 15" MacBook Pro a few months ago, worked fine until this morning. Suddenly the battery is completely dead as in nowhere to be found. The only way to get my macbook to work is by plugging it in, unplugging immediately turns it off.

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Let’s get a better view of things, install this gem of an app! CoconutBattery take a snapshot of the apps main window and post it here for us to see Adding images to an existing question


Thanks, Dan. Interestingly it can't even find and read the battery:

Screen Shot 2022-06-02 at 4.34.05 PM.png


Please post an image of your results when you click the "Battery info" tab when using Coconut Battery.


i need a little more info did u calibrate the battery


Thanks for your answer, and yes, I did. It worked very well until this morning. I opened up my computer to see if the cable connection between battery and logic board was loose. Unplugged and plugged it in again. No change.


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Выбранное решение

Sorry your battery has failed! The micro controller logic is bad, Which is why the info is missing.

You'll need to get a replacement battery. Contact the seller to see what they will do for you.

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Thanks Dan, I already contacted iFixit, they're sending me a replacement battery. I was just worried about something being wrong with my logic board or so, since I never had a battery fail like that. My old one (the one I initially replaced) just got worse and worse in holding charges and also was really swollen.


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chrregul будет вечно благодарен.
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