Wont work unless connected via cable, then only certain buttons work.

So, this one is a doosy.

I installed custom light-up buttons and Installed a new shell.

the lighting system is from amazon:

The lights of the buttons work & the power button works cause I used the power button to turn on the lights (gets powered before power gets to the motherboard). I tried to remove the lights from the equation and plug the power directly into the motherboard to test if the power was getting cut off on the way to the motherboard. The power was still not getting to the motherboard.

The odd thing was when I slowly connected the power connector just barely, with the lighting system in the equation, the system would get power for a split second, and the system lights (not the custom button lights) would flash orange.

So the battery is getting power to the controller with the custom lights in the equation.

I am very lost. Why is the motherboard responding to power via the battery but not fully turning on.

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