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Repair guides for displays (or monitors) for computers or other devices with video output.

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Where can find the right Power Adapter?

Hi, so got this Controller board for my 2011 IMac display,

However It didn’t include a power adapter,

And this one might be good?

Any help would be quite appreciated.

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Hi @beanman56

What is the model number of the display?


@jayeff - LM270WQ1(SD)(E3)


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Hi @beanman56

Best that I can find is to get a 100-240V AC, 12V DC 5A power adapter (examples only).

Looking at the spec for the display it requires a 12V DC @ 4-5A supply (centre pin +ve - which most are nowadays) so getting a 5A adapter should cover it.

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@jayeff - I know, But Every Page I click on has an Issue,

I need help finding a decent one



What do you mean by an issue and decent. The majority are made in China anyway?


@jayeff - All Of the ones I've clicked on say "It's supposed to be 12v"

And It broke something,


@jayeff - THONKS MATE,

Looks good to me!


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