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1983 side by side cost to operate

I was wondering how I can figure the cost of keeping my old refrigerator.

Is there a meter that can tell me how many times it starts a day and total electricity used?

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Connect the refrigerator via a power usage meter to the wall power outlet to find out what the power consumption is.

You can enter the kWH (kiloWattHour)charge rate set by your energy provider and it will calculate how much it has cost to run over whatever time frame you decide.

There are other meters and suppliers available. The example above is only to show what is available for you to use.

I haven't found one that shows how often it starts. The number of times that a refrigerator compressor starts will vary depending on the ambient temperature in which it is operating e.g. a hot day it may run for longer or more often trying to keep the temperature at the set operating temperature, the number of times that the door(s) is opened due to normal use (letting out the cool air/letting in the warm air which needs to be cooled back down to the set temp), condition of the refrigerator door seals, how free of dust the condenser coils are - more efficient cooling cycle if the coils are clean to release more of the heat more quickly that is absorbed by the refrigerant gas as it passes through the evaporator unit in the freezer compartment, etc.

Search online for power consumption meter (insert country) (to get meters with a plug to suit the wall outlet type where you are located) to find models and suppliers that suit you best.

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