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Side by side Older Model Ice Maker issue

My older model ice maker in the door worked well as long as I occasionally removed the excess that had solidified. Yesterday I had a helper who jerked it out before it was actually thawed out enough which pulled the stem up too tall and I can’t get it to go back down. The metal stem is for the the ice bucket to sit on. Now it won’t sit on the space appropriately now. Do you know what this part is called?

Update (11/05/2022)

Model: GD5RVAXVB05

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Выбранное решение

Hi @momolyda

Do you mean part #25 (Ice auger motor shaft)?

If so here's a video that shows how to replace it.

If a new one is required, search online for WP2188917 to find suppliers that suit you best.

WP2188917 - Whirlpool Refrigerator Auger Motor Drive Shaft Изображение


WP2188917 - Whirlpool Refrigerator Auger Motor Drive Shaft


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That is exactly it! Thank you so much!!!


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