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Представленный 3-его марта 20 17 г. Nintendo Switch- это портативная приставка, способная устанавливаться в док-станцию и выводить картинку на TV

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SD card port got super hot after replacing - is it safe to use?

The SD card port stopped working in my son's Switch so I replaced it with a third party one from Amazon, but when I put an SD card in (SanDisk 16GB), the Switch froze and wouldn't get past the startup screen. As one of his joy cons also wouldn't connect (a fun discovery I made when my only option was to reset the device) I decided to go back in and replace both slider rails on the console. This was a success and the Switch completed the initialisation process, but when I put the SD card in again there were some popping noises and when I tried to remove it, it was red hot and burnt my fingers - even though it had only been in there for a very short space of time. The Switch was on a very low battery and died at this point and wouldn't charge up, but it has started to charge again now, hence the edited post. I'm hoping it will be usable albeit without using the SD port if this is the problem, but is it likely to heat up again without an SD card in? Other than replacing components using YouTube videos, I'm no electronics expert, but does this sound fixable or do I need to get it looked at by someone who knows what they're doing?

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Hi @poppypips,

When a electronic component gets very hot it is an indication of excessive current flow.

Check your work for any short circuits i.e. solder bridging between two connections when it shouldn't be etc.

Use a magnifying glass if you have to.

Presumably you removed the battery before doing any further work inside the device?

The power button is not a power isolating button so there is always power somewhere on the motherboard when the device is off.

Think of the device as being in an extremely low power state when off and not that it is totally disconnected from any power.

Check the motherboard over as you may have accidentally moved or disturbed something else during disassembly, repair and reassembly. Here's the ifixit Nintendo Switch guides that will help.

if it is still hot afterwards take it to a reputable, professional electronics repair service and ask for a quote

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Thanks, there was no soldering involved thankfully as that's a bit beyond my capabilities, but I've checked everything again and all the connections looked fine. I tried a new SD card and whilst it still didn't get recognised (which was the reason I took the Switch apart in the first place) it didn't overheat either so I'm wondering if it was a faulty card as it's been kicking around the house for a few years. I'm going to have to take it to a professional to find out why the SD port isn't working (unless the hot SD card fried it?) so I'll ask them to check everything again then.


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sounds like either the sd card port is busted or the sd card, sounds like if its charging and working okay then it should be safe to use.

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