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Model A1419 / Late 2013 / 3.2 & 3.4 GHz Core i5 or 3.5 GHz Core i7 Processor, ID iMac14,2

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Do all A1419 models have PCI-e connector?

Several years ago I opened up an iMac (either A1418 or A1419, I don't remember) and I found NO PCI-e (12+16pin) connector on the motherboard. Since then I'm worried that not all A1418 or A1419 models have this connector.

I know that if the machine has Fusion Drive OR Blade SSD, it must have the connector. For some time I was assuming that the models originally equipped with HDD only, have no PCI-e connector. Is this true?

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It is not the case for all models. The earliest variants, yes. I believe when the fusion drive was first introduced, only models with the fusion drive had the connector for the SSD on the board. However. I can confirm at least on the Late 2013 A1419 that the connector is present, even in models which shipped with only an HDD. And that is the case with any subsequent models.

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First all 27” iMac’s upto 2020 have Apples custom blade SSD connector. The 21.5” iMacs are the ones which might not! The HDD only models are most likely not to have the connector.

The best way to tell is access EveryMac - iMac’s site to check out the exact system in question .

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