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A 40" LCD TV released by Sony in 2008.

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Whenever I load up my switch, my tv turns to a different port

I'm having an issue where I have my switch set up on hdmi port 2. However everytime I turn on my switch the TV goes to hdmi port 1 and says my nintendo switch is connected there. Even though I have nothing plugged into the hdmi 1 port. I have tried restarting and unplugging everything and nothing changes. Any advice?

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Plug the Switch into HDMI port 1, maybe?


what happens when you plug the hdmi cord into HDMI1? have you looked at all cords for damage? have you looked at the HDMI ports for damage?


Usually my ps5 is plugged into hdmi 1 and has no issues. If I plug my switch into the hdmi 1 port it's comes up but only as 480p and no sound. It's just odd that when plugged into a different hdmi port and if I turn on my switch from the pro controller it goes straight to hdmi 1 port even though nothing is plugged in there. I guess it's just a minor annoyance more than anything


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How do you turn on the TV, using the power button on the remote or another button on the remote?

Just asking as a lot of TVs default to factory if using another button e.g. channel up etc to turn it on from standby but will startup using the last known setting when using the power button.

Don't ask why people turn on TVs using buttons other than the Power button, you'd have to ask them ;-)

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If I'm using one of my consoles, I just use the game pad and the TV turns on automatically and changes to the hdmi that the console js connected to.



As an experiment try turning the TV off and on using the TV remote and check what happens


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