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You cannot replace the camera it will not work. DO NOT BUY FROM IFIXIT

I just did it and when I launch the camera I get an error message saying you can force close or go forward anyways. If you go forward, the camera crashes and just defaults to the front facing camera. Putting the broken lens camera back works fine. This has been confirmed by credible sources, not just me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqG-8rMQ...

WHY IS IFIXIT SELLING PARTS THAT CANNOT WORK???!!! This is very disingenuous.

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Hi @Michael Carton

Contact ifixit customer support about the problem.

They're in the best position to help you and they do offer a warranty on their parts and products.

Although according to this Google Pixel 6 Pro Rear Camera - Genuine parts description ifixit sells genuine Google parts so perhaps it's a Google problem and not an ifixit problem

Google Pixel 6 Pro Rear Camera - Genuine Изображение


Google Pixel 6 Pro Rear Camera - Genuine


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I know, but they specify they don't offer tech support. I'll try anyways and update.


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You can calibrate the parts using a google tool, as far as I am aware.

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No, that's for the fingerprint sensor only


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